Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, May 30, 2005

Don't Call it a Comeback

Here I am, alive and well, and somewhat unpacked.

We left Tuesday, shortly after Robb got out of school for the last day. About 15 minutes out of Tucson, Eli called to tell me that he was stuck in Sedona for work. They were up last week installing a vagina shaped fireplace (commissioned by a crazy lady), and it still wasn't done, so they went back Monday, and weren't able to come back until Thursday. So Robb and I spent the first 2 nights in our new home by ourselves, while Eli was a slave to the Vagireplace. Vaginaplace. Labiaplace. I don't know what to call it. I was pissed, but what are you going to do? Wasn't his fault.

I started the job today. I figured it was unseemly to be busy on a message board on my very first day, so I abstained. Being the last day of the month, the whole accounting department (including my boss) was all aflutter, and pretty much all I could do was try to stay out of the way.

I perused the Policies and Procedures manual, and made a disappointing discovery. While they are somewhat lax on email and internet usage (sort of just a "don't let it be a problem" kind of policy), they are death on instant messengers. DEATH. This puts a major crimp in my plans. I actually don't waste a lot of time on IM; it's the websites that take up so much of my time, so I was thinking I would give up the daytime surfing, but continue to enjoy the yahoo. I sort of look at it like my IM buddies are coworkers, there for a quick shooting of the breeze, but rarely any long in depth conversations. I'm not happy about this at all. At a later point, I may look at using the web based clients but for now I'll behave. I sat watching the woman ahead and to my left browse ebay for quite a while, so I'm not too worried about the boards as long as I get my stuff done.

As far as the actual job goes, seems like it'll be nice. It's a shit office, a big blank room with no windows, and 4 rows of 2 desks. There are 3 other people in that office currently, and at least I have the desk in the back corner. I can't stand having people behind me, it gives me the willies. I have to have a wall at my back. I also got a list of what my job duties will be. The specifics may as well have been in Greek, but I saw enough words I knew (reconcilliation, disbursements, journal, you know, all the comfort words) to make me feel good about it. I also like that while there are plenty of "as needed" type things I'll have to to, it is a lot more structured than my last job. There are quite a few things that need done every day, and they're fairly rote. I have to say, I don't like it or work well when it's a different scenario every day. I enjoy the routine.

Turns out that lawyers have crazy messy offices.

I walked to work and home again; it was lovely. It took just under 7 minutes from my front door to the reception desk at the firm. The weather has been surprisingly tolerable here, so it wasn't even too hot.

We're finally all hooked up with cable internet connection, and I got my laptop working too, so I guess I'm part of the night crew for now. I hope you're not talking about me when I'm not around.

Monday, May 23, 2005

All My Bags are Packed

I'm ready to go...

Today is my last day here at work. Tomorrow is the last day of school for the boy, and as soon as the final bell rings, we're on our way!

I'm completely pressed for time right now, and I'll be without internet access until Saturday. So wish me luck, and by the next time I see you, I'll be shacking up, living in sin, hanging out with my live in lover.


Friday, May 20, 2005

The Star Wars Saga -- Concluded

A few details that didn't seem pertinent in yesterday's post, but that are now important to the conclusion of this story:

When the ex called and said he had tickets for an 8:30 show, I said, "can't you get tickets for an earlier one?"

He told me, "No, I tried, they're just all sold out, there's just nothing left".

Also, I asked if he still wanted to pick Robbie up from school. He said yes, and that he would bring him home at 7:00.

So at 7:00, Robbie showed up on my (ok well Grandma's) doorstep, grinning ear to ear. They did see the movie. They went directly to the theatre after school, and walked right up to the window, and bought 2 tickets. Robb said they didn't have to wait in line at all, at any point in the process. He said the theatre wasn't even all that full.

Once again, my ex has lied to me for some undiscernable reason. Whatever, Robbie couldn't be more excited, and I'm so happy that he got to see it and that he wasn't disappointed.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Days 3 and 4 at Grandma's and the Piece of Shit I Married

Yesterday I got the roast beef sandwich for lunch. I noticed something, though. Each day after eating my sandwich, I get crazy sleepy. Like I think I'm just going to pass out here in my chair sleepy. The kind where you seriously would be asleep within moments of closing your eyes. The first 2 days, I put it down to turkey making me sleepy. But yesterday it was roast beef and it happened again! So what's going on? The answer, obviously, is that Grandma is drugging me. Why, I don't know, but there can be no other explanation. Maybe I've been looking a little tired and she thought I could stand to add a naptime to my day.

Last night we went to the Outback for dinner. I'm usually death on chain restaurants, but they really do have an amazing filet mignon. And salad, and baked potato, and bread. There's a Cold Stone Creamery right around the corner, so I had to take Robbie there after dinner. They have a flavor called Birthday Cake, and it is out of this world. It really tastes just like white cake. He prefers his with Gummi Bears, me, I always get it with sprinkles, to add to the cakey goodness.

This morning she asked if I wanted a lunch, and as I was running late I said no thanks. I also didn't want another narcoleptic fit. But now it's 12:52 and I'm starving, and sorry I said no.

Today is Star Wars day. Robb has been counting down to this for well over a month. He got a new Darth Vader shirt to wear today, and it's just all he's been talking about. Never mind that I've heard from several people that this is not a good movie for a 9 year old. He's seen all the other ones, and his father and he are gaga for it. I decided to just not bother to fight, as usually when I say he can't see a movie, his dad takes him anyway and tells him not to tell me. Then he has a conscience fit and tells me anyway. At this point, I've decided that I can at least spare the kid this conscience crisis, since they'll see it no matter what I say. Then it was on a school night, and I'm not too cool with that, but I was assured he would pick Robb right up from school, they'd see an afternoon show, and he'd be home in time for bed. Then all the sudden it was a 7:00 show, and he won't be home til close to 10. I'm definitely not cool with that, but feel like I don't want to shatter the kid's day, so fine, it's just once, and school's almost over anyway.

But now.... the ex called me a while ago to say that "his friend" picked up the wrong tickets, and bought them for an 8:30 show (we'll just ignore the fact that this is bullshit, and I know what happened is that he waited too long, and that was the only show that wasn't sold out, and he thinks that since it's so late in the game, I'll be forced to say ok). This is too much, that is too late, and I said no. So he said "ok" and hung up on me.

I had to know if he still was going to pick Robb up from school though, so I called back (he was at work). The phone was picked up, and clunked down on the counter. I could hear the music playing over the store's speakers. He's pulled this crap before, several times. I called back over and over, and in the end, I won and he answered.

It really is no fucking wonder my own son can't speak a single respectfull word to me. Look at this shit his beloved hero of a father is teaching him. I shudder to think what he'll tell Robb today about me saying no. I feel horrible for him, he's been waiting forever. But no matter what I do, his dad manages to twist it and make me the mean witch. I could go his route, and spoil Robbie, letting him have anything whenever and wherever he wants it, so that he'd love to be with me all the time too. But I figure, that doesn't do anything good for Robb in the long run, so fine, I'll be the bitch. At least in the end, I will be able to sleep at night and know that I tried to be an actual parent.


Oh, and in real men news, last night Eli called me with a question while he was at a bar with all the work guys. I was being funny, and said "do you love me? tell me you love me", because you know, that old gag, where the guy won't say it in front of other guys. So he just said "I love you, duh". Gosh I like him. Robbie really does too, I think it will be really good for Robbie to spend time with Eli doing guy stuff and not having to worry about who's mad at whom.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Day Two with Grandma

At my house, I jump out of bed at the last possible second, throw some food in front of the kid, then run around frantically trying to get ready. At grandma's house, I get up at 6, and we all eat breakfast at the table, then I leisurely beautify myself. Eli would like us to do this at our new house too, but we'll see about that.

Anyway, this morning I came to the table in my pajamas. I had on pink Spongebob jammy pants, and a lime green tanktop. It's pretty thin, and I guess when the nips are out, they're out. So over my english muffin and coffee, my grandma asked me if I was cold. I'm going to have to live with the fact that my grandmother just commented on my erect nipples.

She made me lunch again, turkey sandwich again. We had roast beef last night, and that sure sounded good, but Grandma taught me it's not polite to ask for something you weren't offered, so I didn't. Turkey's yum too, I just haven't had a good roast beef sandwich in forever. Even when I make it at home, it's not the same as hers. I think we're leftovering tonight, though, so I'll have it then.

Maybe I'll just keep living with Grandma forever, this is nice.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Thar She Blows

Ok, this will likely be a long one, as I have a week's worth of garbage to spew.

Friday I spent the entire day interviewing. I got up about 5 am to leave my house by 6:30, and had nonstop interviews from 9 to 4:30. I grabbed an Arby's sandwich and ate it driving in the car between 2 of them. One of them went swimmingly, one was useless, and the others were all with placement/temp agencies, and I'm not sure how they'll pan out. The one that went very well is a law firm, all of 5 minutes to walk to from my house. She's currently checking my references, and then I think I may be in business. If it all works out, I won't even miss a beat as far as paychecks go, which is great as I planned very poorly for this move, and didn't save up much.

We also moved all my stuff out of my apartment this weekend. That was fucking killer, I had no idea I had so much stuff. We drove down early Saturday with Shmee's truck and a trailer from his work, and had them jam packed by Saturday afternoon. At that point, it didn't seem like I had all that much left, and I told him I could finish the rest by myself. Luckily, he insisted on coming back. We ended up spending all day Sunday packing and cleaning, and filled my car and his truck with stuff, and still didn't get done. I just have to go finish cleaning tonight, and then I will be out for good.

So now I'm staying with my grandma for the rest of my time here. I love it, I don't hardly even have to be a grownup. She even packed me a lunch this morning! Thanks grandma!

Ok so that wasn't that long.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

C'est La Vie

(C'est la vie)... that's just the way it goes. (that's right). Thanks, 80's guy.

I went to lunch with John yesterday, and he said thanks, but no thanks. It went really well, and he seemed genuinely sorry to see me go, but he said he just didn't think it would work out that way. Fair enough, at least I tried. He offered to get in touch with a couple contacts for me, which I thought was very nice.

I also spoke to a placement agency, and she said they're just inundated with companies looking for accounting personell, so right now they're looking to be my best bet. I have an appointment to go up next Friday and take all sorts of tests and interview and stuff, so that they can start trying to place me.

I didn't post earlier today, because while I was getting ready for work this morning, I thought of something really profound that I wanted to post about. But by the time I got to work, I couldn't remember. I still don't, so I give up.

Instead, here's random news. I have a new penpal in England. I didn't write to him yet, because I thought I should get some nice letter stationary first. I'm very excited to get actual letters in my mailbox. That's the nicest feeling, to see it and get excited, then impatiently open it.

I'm also moving most of my stuff up this weekend, and I haven't packed hardly anything.

The web page for Robbie's new school has a notice up that there is "new science material" being proposed for the schools, and it is open to review. I strongly doubt that they go through this every time the choose a new textbook, which leaves me with a despairing suspicion that they might be dropping some intelligent design shit in there. I don't think I can get them to not introduce it, but I will not let my kid sit in on it. If they won't agree to send him to the library or something while that section is being taught, I will keep him home. If I wanted to teach him that, I'd send him to church.

I'm sorry for the lack of anything interesting, I'll try to do better tomorrow. I have a lot more free time now, school's done, and I'm not stressed about work anymore.

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Butterflies, They Tickle My Tummy

The time has finally come.

Friday at about 4:00, my boss came to my desk and asked if I could have lunch with him Tuesday. He said he'd like to discuss how things are going, how I am doing, and talk about a compensation increase. While this is great news and made me feel good coming out of the blue, I also know that I'm leaving town for good in 3 weeks.

I have gone back and forth a million times on submitting a proposal to keep my position and work from home in Phoenix. Last decision was "screw it, they'll say no, I'm just going to quit". I had actually planned on giving my notice next Monday, but this sort of changed my mind back again. So tomorrow we're going for lunch, and I will give him my modest little proposal and try to convince him that he should not let me leave the company. I'd really appreciate it if you could all send good energy my way.

Oh, and I'll blow him if I have to.