Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, May 16, 2005

Thar She Blows

Ok, this will likely be a long one, as I have a week's worth of garbage to spew.

Friday I spent the entire day interviewing. I got up about 5 am to leave my house by 6:30, and had nonstop interviews from 9 to 4:30. I grabbed an Arby's sandwich and ate it driving in the car between 2 of them. One of them went swimmingly, one was useless, and the others were all with placement/temp agencies, and I'm not sure how they'll pan out. The one that went very well is a law firm, all of 5 minutes to walk to from my house. She's currently checking my references, and then I think I may be in business. If it all works out, I won't even miss a beat as far as paychecks go, which is great as I planned very poorly for this move, and didn't save up much.

We also moved all my stuff out of my apartment this weekend. That was fucking killer, I had no idea I had so much stuff. We drove down early Saturday with Shmee's truck and a trailer from his work, and had them jam packed by Saturday afternoon. At that point, it didn't seem like I had all that much left, and I told him I could finish the rest by myself. Luckily, he insisted on coming back. We ended up spending all day Sunday packing and cleaning, and filled my car and his truck with stuff, and still didn't get done. I just have to go finish cleaning tonight, and then I will be out for good.

So now I'm staying with my grandma for the rest of my time here. I love it, I don't hardly even have to be a grownup. She even packed me a lunch this morning! Thanks grandma!

Ok so that wasn't that long.


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Kav said...

After weeks of absence, this is all you offer?!
Quite sad

At 1:24 PM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

I know, I'm sorry. I tried again.


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