Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Day Two with Grandma

At my house, I jump out of bed at the last possible second, throw some food in front of the kid, then run around frantically trying to get ready. At grandma's house, I get up at 6, and we all eat breakfast at the table, then I leisurely beautify myself. Eli would like us to do this at our new house too, but we'll see about that.

Anyway, this morning I came to the table in my pajamas. I had on pink Spongebob jammy pants, and a lime green tanktop. It's pretty thin, and I guess when the nips are out, they're out. So over my english muffin and coffee, my grandma asked me if I was cold. I'm going to have to live with the fact that my grandmother just commented on my erect nipples.

She made me lunch again, turkey sandwich again. We had roast beef last night, and that sure sounded good, but Grandma taught me it's not polite to ask for something you weren't offered, so I didn't. Turkey's yum too, I just haven't had a good roast beef sandwich in forever. Even when I make it at home, it's not the same as hers. I think we're leftovering tonight, though, so I'll have it then.

Maybe I'll just keep living with Grandma forever, this is nice.


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Morty said...

i miss my grandma. she used to make me pudding in a cloud whenever i visited. *tear*

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Kav said...

you seem to be concerned with your grandma commenting on your erect nipples while I can't get passed the fact that you mixed a lime green top with pink jammies...for shame

At 7:12 AM, Blogger Me said...

my granny used to make the best cookies. and everything else. how do grandmas learn to do everything so well? do they go to granny school? i still can't find a molasses cookie anywhere close to hers. and her mixed drinks were the best, too. that lady was wicked awesome

At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a serious note, you guys were lucky, I never really had a chance to know my grandparents.


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