Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have the supidest cat in the world. It is a given that I can not take a bath without him falling into it. When I'm lucky, I am not in it, or I at least get out of the way in time.

Just now, I drew a bath, but was finishing up some other things before I got in. It wasn't 2 minutes before I heard the expected and unmistakable sound of him falling in. He came running out, and started chasing his tail. That was about 5 minutes ago, and he is still running in circles, only pausing every now and then to look sad and confused.

Editing this entry to say that after I posted it, I went and got in the tub. Right as I sat down, someone fell in. Can you guess who? (hint: it wasn't me!)



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