Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Take a Walk on the Wild Side

I started my new job Monday. For the first day, I was required to sit through a new hire orientation all day. I'm now working for a property management company that employs thousands of people, and my orientation class was mostly people who will be on site at various properties we manage: the leasing agents and property managers and maintenance workers. I am an accountant. But still I had to sit through a class that focused mainly on fair housing requirements.

It was very interesting, and now I know the names of each protected class and the dates on which they became protected. But it was really a lot of common sense for anyone that's a nice, normal person. "Oh no shit, I can't refuse to rent to this lady just because she's a 72 year old black jewish lesbian single mother disabled military veteran from Afghanistan and is an active member of the communist party?" Huh.

We also briefly covered harassment in the workplace, with a video and everything. I was able to stick with it through most of it (I guess it never occurred to me that saying "something's not kosher on my Profit and Loss statement" could offend someone, but I suppose I can see it), but when we got to the guy sexually harassing his coworker, they lost me.

It showed a man walk up to a female coworker, presumably at some after hours function (funfact: harassment doesn't have to take place at the office to be harassment). He said that it was pretty funny how, every day when he saw her, she was all professional, manning the x-ray machine, and he was all professional, delivering the.... things he delivered (I don't remember!), and how all he could ever think was that he wished he had x-ray vision because she was so smokin' hot in those scrubs.

Gentlemen! Protip for you: the fact that he worked with her is the least of what's offensive about that come on. Work on your game, boys!

Yesterday I started actual work, and I think it's going to be awesome. A whole office full of 25 accounting nerds. I bet the fun never stops on our side of the building! It's pretty much 25 people, all wearing headphones. Good, I don't like you guys anyway.

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