Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Friday, May 20, 2005

The Star Wars Saga -- Concluded

A few details that didn't seem pertinent in yesterday's post, but that are now important to the conclusion of this story:

When the ex called and said he had tickets for an 8:30 show, I said, "can't you get tickets for an earlier one?"

He told me, "No, I tried, they're just all sold out, there's just nothing left".

Also, I asked if he still wanted to pick Robbie up from school. He said yes, and that he would bring him home at 7:00.

So at 7:00, Robbie showed up on my (ok well Grandma's) doorstep, grinning ear to ear. They did see the movie. They went directly to the theatre after school, and walked right up to the window, and bought 2 tickets. Robb said they didn't have to wait in line at all, at any point in the process. He said the theatre wasn't even all that full.

Once again, my ex has lied to me for some undiscernable reason. Whatever, Robbie couldn't be more excited, and I'm so happy that he got to see it and that he wasn't disappointed.


At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for Robb.
License to Kill? Ask James Bond.
Get out of jail free card? Ask the monopoly.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Me said...

I, too, would like said cards. Maybe I will put something together in Illustrator...think they will work on a cop?

"Yeah, Evil Ang gave me this card, so we're cool, right? I can go home now?"


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