Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, August 13, 2007

I am a Law Abiding Citizen

I've been coloring my own hair for years and years. Problem is, the stuff you can use to do it at home is more damaging, plus I'm more likely to do it incorrectly than a professional, plus they don't last as long meaning I'm doing it far more often than I should be.

For my birthday in June, I treated myself to a professional dye job. He told me to use a certain Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. I am a hairdresser's dream, in that I always buy whatever product is suggested to me, so I bought a little starter kit from him.

Now I've finally used every last drop, and need more. Saturday I was at a Cost Cutters getting Robb's haircut (although from now on, he'll be going to my guy too. More on this story later) and noticed they sell Paul Mitchell products. In fact, they have a pack with a huge bottle of my shampoo AND conditioner for $25, which would probably cost me over $40 at my regular salon.


I remembered hearing, somewhere, somehow, that Paul Mitchell products not purchased in a Paul Mitchell Salon are not necessarily the same product. So I didn't buy, and waited to go home and look on the Paul Mitchell site. It was too vague and I still wasnt' clear if Cost Cutters was a valid outlet. So, I called. Unfortunately, Paul didn't answer, but a nice lady did. She told me that if there are professional hair people there doing hair, it's an approved outlet and real product.

What a relief!

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

So Good to His Mama

Today after work, as we left the grocery store, we passed a Payless Shoes. They had a sign up with a picture of these awesome cherry red patent leather high heeled mary janes. Yes yes, I know, it's Payless, but until my budget can accommodate Jimmy Choos and Mahnolos (I'd even be thrilled with a Nine West at this point), I'll take what I can get.

I let out a squeal before I could stop myself. Robbie knows very well my penchant for shoes, and was even able to guess which poster was causing my pain. He patted me on the cheek and said, "you know what? When I'm older, and have a job that pays well, I'm going to take you on a shopping spree for all the shoes you want".

Sweetest thing ever, right?

Then a few minutes down the road he said, "mom, remember how I want to take you for a shopping spree?" When I said I did remember, he laughed nervously and said "nothing over a hundred and fifty bucks, ok?"