Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Money Talks

But it don't sing and dance, and it don't walk.

I LOVE Neil Diamond. I've been listening to him since I was a little girl, and everyone of those songs is a surefire mood elevator for me. Yes, even Heartlights. It could use a little more *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM*, but still.

Yesterday was a particularly Diamondy day. Not only did I enjoy some of his musical hits, but Saving Silverman was on, the movie that gives him the love he deserves. Now I'm not going to go crazy here and say his performance was as stellar as it was in The Jazz Singer, but it was pretty great and only increased my affection for the man.

In other nostalgia news, I also dug out my cd of The Nutcracker Suite for Robb, who is playing one of the pieces in band. I haven't listened to it for quite a while either, but it was nice to find it still gave me goosebumps. I was all set to come home and watch the masterpiece that is Mikhail Barishnikov dance it, only to be crushed when I rememebered that I only have it on video, and I got rid of my VCR a few months ago. Dammit! I believe the Bolshoi is coming through town though to perform it, so maybe I'll indulge myself. This also means that I'll be blaring the score and jete-ing all over my house next time I have a few minutes alone.

Weeeeee! Who wants to volunteer to take me to the emergency room?


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