Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Anyone heard of The Heart Attack Grill?

Today I drove by this place. I guess it's not new, but I hadn't heard of it before today. It's got a sign up, "NOW HIRING HOT NURSES", and sure enough, through the window I saw a bunch of hot nurses serving burgers! The place was filled to the brim with what seemed to be only men. I tried to take a picture, but traffic was moving again and I wasn't able too.

I came straight back here to look it up. The owner walks around in a doctor coat and stethascope, and the only things the serve are burgers (single all the way up through quadruple bypass), french fries fried in lard, soda (but no diet), beer, and cigarettes. There's tons of youtube clibs on their site of various news programs they've been featured on. The funniest one is 20/20, down at the bottom of the page. It has a real nurse complaining that the "sexy nurse" stereotype is contributing directly to people dying, as there is a shortage of nurses due in part to women who would otherwise want to be a nurse deciding not to do so because of this stereotype. That's a head scratcher.

I guess it's no worse than Hooters or Tilted Kilt, but then I can't say I'm a huge fan of those places either.

I understand that boobies are nice for you, but besides the novelty, does it really make lunch better when it's served by a half-naked woman who probably hates you and is milking you (ha!) for a fat tip?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Movies You Can't Resist

There are some movies that, when they're on tv, I just can't walk away. Even if I own them on dvd, and could watch it any time unedited with no commercials, I still have to sit and watch them when I stumble across them. I think it's just the "yay, looks what's on, what a nice surprise!" factor.

In no particular order, they are:

  • The Godfather I or II. This is particularly bad, because not only are they both very long, they're even longer with commercials, AND typically if they're playing Part I you can bet Part II is on next.
  • Dirty Dancing. This one was in heavy rotation last summer, so it's actually finally fallen a bit out of my favor.
  • The Breakfast Club. I don't think it could ever possibly fall out of favor.
  • Footloose. Really, this one I just need the last scene, where they dance to Footloose.
  • Urban Cowboy
  • Legally Blonde. This is probably my #1 happy movie. Everything about it makes me smiley, every time.
  • The Shining
  • Say Anything

Apologies for the low content post, but I've been watching the Godfather for like 8 hours now and I am just trying to figure out why. I'm going to dream I'm a mobster all night, I bet.

Never Mind, I Take it Back

I did go get a new kitty yesterday. He's the same age as Gomez, just as friendly, you can tell he's going to be huge, plus he's got the funniest chirpy meow I ever heard. But I'm not posting today to tell you about Izzy (seriously, does anyone have a better name idea? He's going to be stuck with Izzy pretty soon).

I got him from a local rescue group. It's not huge, but they have about 10 people who run "foster homes" for animals while they look for new owners. They take them all to PetSmart on the weekends for adoptions, and all in all are pretty succesful. This lady knew I was interested in Izzy though, so she left him at home for me, and I went to her house last night.

It was pretty much your typical Arizona ranch-style home, not in the best of neighborhoods but it was still quiet and neat. I walked into her front room, and felt like I had crossed into an alternate reality where cats were our benevolant overlords. Every wall was lined with giant cat trees and cat condos, except for the wall that had little cat-sized staircases mounted, covering literally the whole wall.

Moving on into the back of the house, her kitchen and dining/living room were pretty much the same, with the exception of a couch and a television to suggest that people actually hung out from time to time. The whole house was tiled, with nary an area rug, which only makes sense when you have 10-20 cats at any given time. I didn't count exactly, but I'm going to guess that she had at least 5 water bowls and even more bowls of food covering half of her kitchen floor.

I sat down on her couch, and was swarmed with cats. I was a little scared.

Anyway, Izzy immediately showed himself to be a good and nice cat, and I was happy to take him. But consider my lesson learned. My house is a people house, with various things for happy cats strewn about. It will never, ever become a cat house, with a small pile of blankets in the corner for me to sleep on.

Three cats is plenty.

Friday, July 27, 2007

I Have Faith

That I can truly have 20 cats in one home.

I'm getting one step closer this weekend, as I'm hopefully going to get a nice little black Maine Coon kitten to add to our family. His name is currently Izzy according to the owner, but I will take all suggestions for a new name under serious consideration.

I'm hoping this cat lives up to all the common Maine Coon characteristics, and is at least 3 feet long, 25 pounds, and had 6 toes on each front paw. With luck, I will train him to do tricks, like the dishes and sweeping. My other kitten is skinny and always going to be skinny, so my truest heart's desire is to see the little one riding around on the big one.

I'll let you know.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


It's been a long time since I've posted, although there have been many stories I meant to write, and just never got around to. Something just happened that I had to share, though.

It's Saturday afternoon, a nice sunny day in my happy bright living room, and I was sitting on my couch, laughing at people on the internet. A showercap and towell were on my head for the hair treatment that had another hour to go, and the kitty Gomez was dozing next to me. Then the invasion began.

A small, furry somethingorother darted across the room, heading from my kitchen to the corner of the living room. The following very quick, but clearly remembered and defined thoughts raced through my head: "Is that a kitten? Did I get a new kitten? Kittens that small can't run that fast". By this time, my real kitten, who is bigger and can run that fast, was on top of the poor little guy, and I was standing on my couch yelling "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD". Literally. The thing is, I am not afraid of mice or other rodents. If you would have described this scene to me, and asked me what I would do, I would never have thought I'd become a cartoon housewife, standing on the couch and dancing while shrieking.

Gomez was having the time of his life, though. He dragged the mouse back to the kitchen, and I recovered myself enough to run around to the other side and shut the door so he couldn't get back into the bedrooms. I came back around just in time to see Gomez let it go, and it just sat there, looking stunned. I grabbed a little plastic box by the couch to catch it, but of course both it and the cat were gone before I could. I chased them back into the kitchen and hit the cat with a broom, and had just enough time to slam the box over the mouse.

After stowing the cat in the bedroom, I slid a cardboard under the box and took the poor thing outside, but not before giving it a stern lecture. I told it, "look, you just got pretty lucky. Please remember that I was nice to you, and do not return. Also please retrieve any friends and family from my home before you go". I will also be honest and say that for about 10 seconds I stood there eye to eye with it and considered keeping it for a new mousie pet. By the eleventh second, I knew that would be one of the more unwise decisions I could make.

I didn't quite know where to take it, so I just let it go in a corner of my patio. My guess is that a neighborhood cat has already eaten it, but what am I supposed to do?

That certainly livened up my Saturday afternoon!