Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I'm Still Alive

Were you scared?

It has been stupid busy for me the past few weeks, and when I did get a few free minutes, all I wanted to do was sleep and pretend the real world wasn't going on.

To quickly recap:

I finished up my semester at the last possible minute, taking 3 tests, writing one major paper and 6 minor ones in just under 2 weeks. Maybe that's not bad, I don't remember school from way back when. But when you add in full time work, Robb and the side job, I thought I was going to go crazy. I did it though, and pulled out with a B in Western Civilization, and an A in Anthopology (exploring non-Western Cultures). I was very very pleased with that. I haven't picked a class for next semester yet, but I need to do that. Just waiting for payday so I can pay for the classes and books. I think I may have to take only one class this time, because of money and also time. I really want to spend the next few months building up my mark business, and also try to get a few more bookkeeping clients. When I move to Phoenix, I want to be able to go to school full time and work from home part time.

I also almost got fired at work. Very long, painful, ridiculous story made short, I overheard (what I thought was) my firing being planned. Then I found out this woman here, whom I had thought a friend, was throwing me under the bus. Seemingly out of the blue she had "had enough" and got very angry, not speaking to me for almost 2 weeks. Then I found out she was quitting, but I wasn't supposed to know. Tom the Salesguy told me that she had been badmouthing me almost since I had started here. I went to make peace with her, at the request of my boss, and she told me that Tom the Salesguy was the one throwing me under the bus. I can only believe that they're both throwing all their shit on me. So she is gone, and yesterday my boss told me that she was so very incensed and frustrated with me that he couldn't understand it, and she was unable to articulate it. He said that he usually finds when someone is so upset but unable to say why, it's typically unfounded. That's reassuring, and now I feel confident that if I stay very on top of my game, and watch out for anyone laying blame on me for things I didn't do (got that Tom the Salesguy? I'm watching you!) I will be ok.

Then there was the bridal shower I threw for my best friend Michelle. It was fun and I was very excited and happy to do it, but the timing was really hard, what with everything else going on. It came off smashingly, though, and she was happy, so that's all that counts. I love hostessing!

Hmmm, reading over all that, it doesn't seem like I should have felt so overwhelmed. But I was. It's pretty much over now, if I can make it through the next couple days. I still have 3 scarves to knit for gifts, too. Oh, and hopefully Shmee and I won't kill each other over Christmas. He doesn't "do" Christmas, and we are at each other's throats about it. Well I'm at his throat, anyway. More on that later.

Merry Exmas!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Have Mercy!

Lately I have a bit of an unhealthy fixation on crappy old sitcoms. I don't watch any new ones (in fact, except for all 3 Law and Orders, I don't watch any new TV at all), but I can't get enough of the old ones on Nick at Night. Three's Company remains the front runner, closely followed by Full House and Who's the Boss. They're playing the latest episodes of Who's the Boss now, though, and I don't like them when Angela and Tony are dating. Three's Company is on first season (before Larry and Mr. Furley, and when Janet was still pretty), and Full House is right about in the middle, which brings me to my point.

Was John Stamos always this hot? I was prime teenybopper teen idol age when that show was on, but I guess he never moved me back then. Now, however, Full House is practically porn to me.

Don't worry, I only fap to Bob Saget now and then (did you know he is god?), and NEVER to Dave Coulier (I don't need sloppy seconds, yes Alannis, I'm looking at you).

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Honor, Friendship, Fisting

It's Karate, Kid the Musical - Honor, Friendship, Fisting

After my post a few weeks ago about the Karate Kid, I felt obliged to include this new development. It's times like this I wish I lived in New York. If they have this musical, imagine what else I'm missing!