Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Have You Met mark?

In my relentless pursuit of not owing my soul to the company store, I keep looking for different things I can do to sustain my family without being a 9-5 slave for the rest of my life. I started school this semester, with the ultimate goal of being a teacher, and I really would like to be able to go full time instead of taking the next 10 years to finish up. To this end, I have been exploring other options for generating income. I'm currently doing the books part time for a friend of mine with a small business, and after the holidays I plan to do some networking to try and get a couple other similar sized clients. I've also been wracking my brain for other odd job type things that one can do.

mark. mark (no capital M, if you please) is a new line from Avon. It's aimed at a younger crowd (younger than me, really), and it caught my eye. So at lunch time today, I met the Avon lady and officially signed up. I am now your mark Independent Sales Representative, happy to serve your needs.

It doesn't have a large product line like Avon, but what it does have is very cute and girly, and very low priced, too. Exactly the kind of stuff I like to buy, as I loooove to buy new makeup, lotion, jewelry and bathtubby things, which is why I decided that I wasn't too old to sell it (I'm not old, right? RIGHT?)

So this is my sales pitch to those of you in internetland. Which means Carrot, I guess (although Diji, I noticed a delightful shade of lip gloss for you, and Chimpo, the GardenBlu perfume has you written all over it. Kav, I think I see some shimmery face powder looking at you!). If you visit and see anything you like, email me and I will give you my phone # to put in as your rep on the site, so you get nice things from me, and I get a customer.

Oh, and any of you that may be dying for Avon, my ma sells that, just go here.


At 6:13 PM, Blogger Kav said...

The shimmery face powder appeals to me, but I'm more into a subtle rouge of sorts. I'll tell my girlfriend for ya...she's a whore for makeup

At 10:18 AM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

Score, she's totally in my target market then!


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