Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

O Cruel Mother Nature, What Hast Thou Done?

This is my third spring at my townhome. I really love my house, and will be sad to leave it. Other than my parents' old house, this is the only one that I've ever felt so good in. I'm comforted by the fact that our new house makes me feel just as nice.

One of the things I like about it is that it's quiet, and I can open my doors and hear all the birds. I really adore birds and the little noises they make, from chirpy sparrows to a nice dove coo. For the past 2 springs, I've had a pretty loud bird make her house right outside the sliding glass door in my bedroom. She would start up pretty early, maybe around 5, and it never bothered me. When she came back last spring, I was very happy. Eli told me what it was, but I forget. I want to say a nightingale, or maybe a wren.

Anyway, she's not here this year, and I'm a little sad.

Speaking of dead birds, my cat Emo is a killing machine. One of the reasons I stopped letting him outside was that he brought a bird back every time, without fail. I also found out that there were coyotes closer than I thought, but one too many times of cleaning up a bird strewn across my living room was a big reason he became an indoor cat. So now I have a security screen door on my front door. For some reason it's hung a little high, so that there's about a 2 inch gap at the bottom. Last weekend, I was in the kitchen, and heard a *slam* on the screen, and a horrid squawking. I ran out just in time to see Emo run into my room with a sparrow in his mouth. He had managed to sneak a paw under the gap, and get a bird. As angry as I was, I have to say, that takes talent.

I haven't decided yet if I'll let him out at the new house. Nomi, the baby girl, has never been outside at all, so I just don't know. They're my babies!

One last side note. Someone at Something Awful was kind enough to fix my martini glasses. He swears he's not a stalker, but time will tell, eh? To him I say "Goony goon goon, goon you goony much. Lolz 5 golden manbabies Good Sir".


At 11:00 AM, Blogger Kav said...

my cat Jinx does the same shit...she doesn't stop at hunting birds though...she hunts dogs that are smaller than her.
as for internet stalkers, one can never have enough. i intend to resume my internet stalking once i get a new laptop. until then i shall remain a working hour stalker.
p.s.- i can smell your cunt

At 6:23 PM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

Kav... yeah Emo goes after dogs of any size too. He's crazy! Crazier than Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon!

Christy... I know, I feel bad sometimes, and let him out in the daytime. We have coyotes really close though, that I'm pretty sure got one of my other cats, so that's a big part of why I keep him under lock and key.

Anfer... I'm so calling PETA on you. Just kidding, there's nothing I hate more than a cat that pisses everywhere. Emo was horrible, til I got him fixed, but even now if I leave a pile of clothes around, he'll piss on it.


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