Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Home Alone Part Cuarenta y Ocho

This weekend, I find myself enjoying a quiet, empty house. Robb is at his dad's until Monday (no school), and Eli is doing camping/male bonding/beer crushing type things. Well, actually, he was GOING to do that, but his friend bailed, and so he just stayed home. Seeing as how that had been the reason he wasn't coming down this weekend, I got kind of pissed and threw a size 6 Bitch Fit. I told him to not come today, either. This was partly out of general pissiness, partly that I didn't want a consolation prize, and partly that I didn't feel like shaving.

Last night was nice. I came home from work, made some dinner, and got comfortable on the couch. I watched some TV, took a bath, and painted my toe and finger nails, all in time to snuggle in to watch Full House and Three's Company. Around 9, I felt a little lame, and considered getting dressed up and going downtown for a drink or two, but once I started mentally reviewing what clothes I had to wear, and what I'd do with my hair, I realized that was way too much, and called that idea a goner.

So this morning I woke up nice and refreshed. I've already watched Blue Crush, and in much the same way that Kirsten Dunst inspires my tummy in Bring it On, Kate Bosworth inspires my ass.

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That's the best picture I could find, and I felt I had spent enough time google image searching for "kate bosworth butt". But trust me, she's tight, and some great thighs, too.

I have cleaned my bathroom, and spent about 30 minutes cleaning my face and plucking my eyebrows. Now I'm not sure what to do.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

That's so crazy it just might work...

Unfortunately, I owe a lot of late fees at my video store. The sandwich thing though, I really think you're on to something...

At 3:28 PM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

UPDATE: I've taken a shower, and I went ahead and shaved, since I was in there anyway. I've done my hair, put on real clothes, and even put in my contacts and makeup.

I'm pretty worn out. This has been a big day.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Kav said...

now that your all dolled up you can spend a fantastic evening fondling yourself to Cousin Larry.


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