Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, January 31, 2005

All right All right!

I promised Chad that I would update tonight. So.

I could tell you many stories about my busy, fullfilling existence, but we all know I've just been lazy. I did have a lot going on at work, plus busy the past week getting ready for my friend Michelle's wedding, but still, I just slacked.

The wedding was last Saturday, and it went off pretty ok, for as bad as it started. We started off early Saturday morning, but I woke up with the beginnings of a major headache. It was so bad by the time we left the hotel that I thought I was going to hurl on the way to the salon. I didn't, although when I saw what this chick did to my hair, I felt even more sick. I asked for a really specific style, I even showed her a picture. I don't know what the hell she did to my hair though. Michelle said I looked like Wynona Ryder in Beetlejuice, which I think was overly kind. It was awful, I don't know how this woman even told herself that I looked stylish in any way whatsoever. But we were in a hurry, and I'm horrible about speaking up, so we just paid (I even tipped her!) and left.

Then we headed over to get makeup done, where they made Michelle look like a clown. We did speak up about that one, and had them redo her. My head felt about 8 times its normal size by that point, but I was still holding up. My makeup came out pretty ok, and so did the other 2 bridesmaids.

By that time, we had to get dressed and get ready, and get pictures taken. It was freezing, it was around 60, and quite windy. I was wearing a strapless top. I thought I was dying. During the ceremony, I couldn't even pay attention to what was going on, because I was too busy trying not to shiver, and to not make funny cold faces.

But once that was done, it was all good. I got to put my big fuzzy jacket on, and got a glass of wine, and start having a good time. I was at the head table, but we had other friends there so Shmee had people to play with. The groom's men were British friends of the groom, and were hilarious. I didn't write down my toast, and of course forgot everything I planned to say as the time came near. Once I started, I remembered most of it though. Then dancing time, which was great.

So that, Chadley, was the wedding. I'll have pictures soon, hopefully. Shmee took quite a few, plus I'm sure I'll get some copies of the professional ones.

And as a last side note, I am typing this post from my bed. Oscar fixed my laptop, and even wirelessed me up, so I can do this anywhere, and I love it. I am looking for any excuse to use this thing any random place that I can. Meaning I will be back to posting more constantly. I'll also try to be more interesting in future posts.

Allrighty then.


At 10:31 PM, Blogger Kav said...

You should know that the bridesmaids are supposed to look horrid to increase the esthetic appearance of the bride. The Beetlejuice haircut was probably the first'll probably get to wear a lame dress with puffy sleeves next.

At 7:27 AM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

The dress was actually quite lovely. I know one is not supposed to outshine the bride, but the nice thing about this supah hot friend is we're on totally opposite ends of the spectrum, so neither of us ever outshines the other.

Also, I'm really far too vain to go anywhere if I think I don't look pretty. I know you're the same, Kav.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Kav said...

It is hard to be this pretty all the time, but somehow we find a way to do it.


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