Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day, Oh Poop.

My beloved doesn't do Valentine's day, so no flowers or bling for me. Whatever, jerky.

On a less bitter note, yesterday was a hard day for me. At 2:00 in the afternoon, I decided to see if there was anything to stare at on TV. Would you believe that Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club and Can't Buy Me Love were all on, all starting at the same time? That was one of the most difficult choices I've ever made, let me tell you. I own The Breakfast Club, and I've seen Dirty Dancing more than Can't Buy Me Love, so I had to go with the latter. It was filmed right here in Tucson, too. Ok, and Patrick Dempsey got so outrageously hot in recent years that even his old nerdy look does it for me now. Directly after that, I was treated to Sixteen Candles and then Footloose.

What the hell is going on here? All the sudden, it's all the movies that I can't walk away from, all over cable. Then a striking thought occurred to me. Do you remember when you were a kid, and there were all these shitty old movies on that your parents watched, and you hated? Well, it seems that I am officially old enough that it's now my movies on TV on Sunday afternoons.

What does all this mean? Well, it means that I watched a bunch of movies that I've already seen a million times instead of studying.

Robbie's friends Brian and Ivan invited him to go see a movie yesterday, and while I had reservations, I said yes. The movie they were going to is The Boogeyman. I hadn't even heard of it, but I was able to use my deductive reasoning to figure out that it was probably scary. Their mom said it was PG-13, though, and he assured me he could handle it, so I said ok. If I would have looked on IMDB first, I might have stuck to my guns a little harder. We had to leave the hall light on for him to sleep, and he woke me up just about every hour saying he was scared.

I was not amused.

And speaking of not being amused and not getting bling from the Mister, tomorrow I'll tell you about my cardboard baby.


At 8:14 PM, Blogger Kav said...

I touch myself when Emilio describes taping that poor nerd's butt cheeks together...oh the emotion he showed when describing it.

At 4:48 AM, Blogger Kav said...

Is Barry Watson the dude who was the mayor on spin city?

At 7:57 AM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

Barry Watson is the hottie. Barry Bosworth was the mayor, and also Brad in Rocky Horror.

But anyway, was Barry Watson in Boogey man or something?

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Kav said...

you see a star on the walk of fame and i see just another place for a bum to urinate on.


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