Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The World According to Me

Here's some of my bests:

Best book you should read: (Actually, here are 4).

  • Lolita by Nabakov.
  • Catch 22 by Joseph Heller.
  • Accordion Crimes by E. Annie Proulx.
  • Feast of All Saints by Anne Rice.

Best beer to drink: Chimay

Best place to get your nails done: that place by my house.

Best music to listen to on a warm night on your patio with a bottle of wine: Hotel Costes, Volume 9.

Best song to make you smile and remind you that the universe is in order: Cannonball by Damien Rice.

Best cheap wine: Searidge from Safeway. That shit is good, and it's $3!!!

Best horoscope: Freewill Astrology.

Best show to watch: Ugly Betty. It's crazy good, consider me in love.

Best guy to teach you how to talk to women: Jeff Buckley

Best way to wake up: A happy "good morning, starshine" from your favorite little boy.

Best bar to go to at 3 pm on a Saturday afternoon: Chez Nous. Ask anyone.

Best bar that is blue: The Blue Bar.

Best girl to know: Michelle my belle.

Best place to be drinking a beer right now: Right here, on my back porch that is just teeming with contentedness.

Thirty Helens agree!!!


At 8:04 PM, Blogger KCTW - Blog Beatings To Leave You Well Red. said...

30 Helens = dagger!

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Kav said...

damien rice rocks live...but i already told you that
jeff buckley can't teach you shit cause he's dead
the bartender at blue bar has awesome cleavage

and when the fuck did your blog become a myspace survey


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