Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Santa Baby

Here is Robb's letter to Santa (my comments are in italics):

Dear Santa,

May I please have a scooter so I don't have to ask Brian and Ivan to use Ivan's scooter all the time and can I have a cartoon (just to remind you) poster of Star Wars(he underlined "cartoon", and I think he maybe felt that was a little harsh, hence the "just to remind you") . A play toy for Emo and Nomi (the cats) but two so they don't fight and Pente so Eli can take the other Pente (Eli brought the board game over months ago and left it) and more Yu-gi-oh cards and can you make Armie stuff, kids news, a night light. This is the last one, all the cartoon Star Wars books. I thank you so much for all the time you wasted for all the kids. Soooooooooo much.

That child amuses me to no end. He's 9, and I am a little surprised he's still hanging on to Santa. He was showing Eli the letter, and quickly justified himself, saying that he believes in Santa more than anyone, and he believes in his heart that Santa is real. So he knows that other kids his age are doubting, but he's hanging on. I think this may be the last year, so I'll try to make it a really good one.


At 6:17 PM, Blogger Kav said...

There are 2 possible situations here. A) He really does believe in Santa with all of his heart. Or B) He is the smartest 9 year old ever, and he realizes that if you believe he believes in Santa with all of his heart, you will be forced to buy him the gifts just to avoid disappointing him.
If this is the case, might I recommend he add a new TV on his wish list for me. Prefferably one of those 50 inch plasma deals.

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

random "next blog" user says.. "gosh, isnt it a little mean to trick your kids about the whole santa thing, maybe, but thats letter is a little cute!! goodluck with the blog..."


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