Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

So I'm Not the Only Dumbass Here?

We recently submitted a bid to a City Procurement Office (not our city). It was a total rush job, I don't know who dropped the ball; all I know is that it was given to me at 8:30 am and I was told it had to be delivered (about a 2 hour drive) by 3 that afternoon, meaning to be really super safe, I needed to get it done and find a courier to give it to by 11:30, tops.

The Operations Manager and the Controller actually put most of it together, and I just compiled it and made all the pretty copies and got it out the door. I was flipping through my copy today, though, and noticed an amusing mistake. They asked for the resume of the Key Person (the Ops Manager), and I guess he sort of had a half done version completed that we threw in.

Under Skills (I wish it said Skillz), it reads:
-Management of factory resources as tool for sales force (not sure what this means).

The resume actually had on it "not sure what this means".

Under his name and phone number, it reads "e-mail address here".

I don't think we'll win this bid.


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