Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Children Are Precious Gifts

Except when it's three 11 year old boys, 2 of them aren't yours, and you've had them all in your possession for 30 hours.

Wednesday was the last day of school, so I took Thursday off work and invited two of Robb's friends to spend the night. When I picked them up, one of the moms told me that unless I could keep her son until 8:30 pm the following night, he wouldn't be able to spend the night (because she would have no way to get him to the proper babysitters, otherwise). Even though a big voice in the front of my head shrieked "NOOOOO", I told her that was fine. And of course, I then had to offer to keep the other boy that long as well.

It started out well enough. We stopped at Safeway to get supplies, came home, I made them dinner and then turned them loose. I remember my 11 year old slumber parties, and I remember that that is plenty old enough to let them have their own space, so I took everything I needed and settled into my bedroom to laze around for the night. The kept themselves busy with videogames, movies, and pillowfights, and when I finally ventured out around 2 am, they were all passed out.

Thursday was the tough day, though. They were up playing videogames before I even woke up. I tried to drag out breakfast and make that last, same with lunch. Around 2 I took them to see Spiderman 3, thinking that should kill a good 3 hours. But when we got back, that's when things really started to go downhill. Everybody seemed to come out of the movie cranky (maybe because the movie sucked?), and I still had about two and a half hours to kill before their parents were to show up. They were squabbling a lot, and the pillowfights and wrestling were beginning to get a little too harsh. I still tried to stay out of it, but did have to step in a few times.

There was one nice tension relieving moment, though: all three boys came running into my room, shouting that the toilet was overflowing. I hurried over and turned off the water. When I turned around, one of the boys looked at me and said "I took a really big crap". Great, thanks for not only clogging my toilet with your massive poo, but for telling me that what I'm about to clean up is, in fact, your massive poo.

The rest of the night was mostly me breaking up fights, and finally seperating them all about 30 minutes before pick up time. One of the kids' mom showed up right on time. The father of the other (he of the massive poo) didn't show up until almost 2 hours later, despite numerous phone calls.

I felt pretty bad for Robbie, because it should have been a really fun time. It would have been, too, if it had ended about 5 hours earlier. He was pretty upset by the end of it and is currently never talking to either boy again. One of them is pretty ok in my book, but the massive poo kid, frankly, I would be thrilled if they never played again. I doubt that will happen, though.

Thus ends the Great Sleepover of '07.


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Chimpotle said...

I never had a sleepover with more than one friend for this specific reason. Or because I didn't have any friends.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Chimpotle said...

Hurry up and update this thing so I can see your bitchin' new widget.


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