Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I Will Find That Old Lady, and Make Her Sorry.

Sorry for the lack of updates, but it's been a crazy shitstorm of a week. I feel like all I've done is work, study, work my part time gig, knit and sleep.

For those of you that don't remember, I am now selling mark, which you can go here to purchase, then type in my phone number at the end of your order. Email me here for my phone number.

Anyway, mark has cute little catalogs that are called magalogs (magazine+catalog). I ordered several million of them to distribute, and immediately ran out to put one on the bulletin board by the mailboxes. The next afternoon, it was gone. We keep a garbage pail by the mailboxes so as to conveniently dispose of your junk mail, and I thought I should make sure no one just threw it away. Happily, it was almost empty, and my magalog was nowhere to be seen, so I put up another one. When that was gone the next day, I did find it in the trash. I took it back out and put it back up. Over the past 2 weeks, I have repeated this process every day. It's not always in the trash, so it's safe to assume that at least a couple of them have been taken home by an interested person, but most of the time it is in the trash.

For some reason I am taking this completely personally. I know we have a no solicitation rule, and I would never dream of putting them on doors. But I completely fail to see the problem with the community bulletin board. For several weeks, there was a flyer from one of the tenants advertising her gopher services, and for the past week there has been a card up from one of the tenants selling a medicine cabinet. I'm really not sure why those are ok, yet mine is not. I've gone out of my way to make it clear I'm a tenant that lives there by writing "COME SEE ME IN UNIT 9" across the front. I think tonight when I put it up, I will put a note saying "WHY IS THIS" (arrow pointing to the medicine cabinet card) "OK, AND THIS" (arrow pointing to my magalog) "NOT?".

My complex is filled mainly with older people. There are 2 other families with kids (Robb's friends), and the college kids next door, but as far as I can tell the majority of the tenants are quite a bit older, so I know I'm never going to sell a ton of this product there. I also know that sometimes older people who don't have a lot to do grasp on to the "rules" and will act as the police of the homeowner's association. However, as stated, I really don't understand what rule I'm breaking. I'm currently trying to weigh my desire to triumph against the time, cost and aggrevation this is causing me. It's making me way too upset.

I wish I knew who it was, so I could ask what the problem is. Shmee suggests setting up surveillance, and I'm about ready to try that.

They're hurting my feelings :-(

On the brighter side, I ordered a shitload of makeup for myself, so I would know how it went on, and also always be able to say "Why, I'm wearing mark, and I'm just the girl to get you some", in case I'm ever asked what lipstick I'm wearing. Turns out that it really is good makeup. So even if I never sell any, I've got good new makeup at a discount.


At 1:14 PM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

Holy shit, the plot grows ever more sinister... that is a very good possibility.

Everybody, meet my little brother, Clint.


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