Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Definition of Insanity

The clever saying goes something like, "Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results".

So I'm crazy, because I just bought some new plants. Now I admit, sometimes I just forget about my plants, and then they die. But even when I remember them and tend to them lovingly, I just don't seem to have the knack for keeping them happy.

I started off with some things that should be pretty easy to keep up:





Grape tomatoes (we had some of these last year, grew the most delicious tomatoes like mad)




Now mint is next to impossible to kill; in fact it will take over the neighborhood if you let it. But I have nice big boxes to let it fill up and make good smells. And it's yummy in my tea. Basil should do pretty well too, and the tomatoes and rosemary as well. The thyme and oregano will likely be my problem children. (*NOTE* I will probably not actually ingest any of these things besides the basil, tomatoes and the mint. Maybe if I start cooking more I'll find the other items are called for, but we'll see. I just got them because they smell so good.) And the flowers I got, verbena, I've had splendid luck with in the past, when I remember to water them.

Everything's already been re-potted and placed where it needs to be, sun-wise. I have a really great patio that should be ideal as far as letting in the right amount of sun without baking the poor things in the July Phoenix sun. I think that if they are still all doing well this time next month, I'll add to the collection. Last year I tried strawberries and cucumbers, (the former was somewhat successful, the latter not at all); maybe I'll give them a go again.

Also, do you know who's pretty?


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