Noillyprat--Shaken, Not Stirred

And Make it a Dirty One...

Monday, October 04, 2004

At the Gay Bar, Gay Bar!

I have been whining for weeks now about going out. I mean going out, spending ages getting ready, and feeling stylish and chic while I drink my vodka and soda and nonchalantly smoke (which, um, I am no longer doing. Except sometimes. But sometimes isn't often).


Shmee is a very accomodating guy, but due to timing, money, and other factors, we just hadn't been able to get dressed up and have a date night. Finally, though, last Saturday, we found ourselves in Phoenix in an empty apartment (his roommate was out of town) and no previous plans. Unfortunately, the majority of bars up there are filled with Scottsdale Snobs.
Scottsdale is a fairly hoity toity area, with all the beautiful Barbie moms and Ken dads that you could ever hope to see, and I just can't stand to be around it. But Phoenix is a good sized city, and I know that every city has it's phreaks, so it shouldn't be that hard to find a decent club, really. We scoured the local rag and the internet, and came up with one that sounded good.

The Winner we selected is called
Amsterdam, and it's a gay bar in downtown Phoenix. Shmee is not afraid of catching the gay, but I do understand that maybe a gay bar isn't the most fun place for a straight guy to be. He's a trooper though, and knew I was getting cabin fever, so he dressed up too and escorted me downtown.

It was a great place, absolutely posh and beautiful inside, with great music and beautiful bois everywhere. We managed to snag 2 seats at the bar (mind if I push in your stool?), where we met a very nice man named Richard. Now, I love gay bars, but I guess I've never gone with a straight man before last Saturday night. Many of them will say "I have no problem with gays, but I just wouldn't be comfortable", and I would scoff and say "whatever, that's ridiculous, they're not going to bug you". But within a few minutes of talking to Richard, he started asking my poor guy things like "Do you see yourself as a gay man?", and "What about that guy, you don't think he's hot?". We're a very affectionate couple, almost always holding hands or rubbing backs or something, so it was very obvious we were together, but Richard just would not let up on Eli. Eli was gracious to the end, just laughing and saying "no, sorry, I just guess I don't have the gay gene at all", and finally Richard said goodbye and left. I suppose it's no different from a woman being accosted by an obnoxious drunk man at a bar, but still I was surprised and more than a little taken aback.

Regardless, we had a really great time. I looked pretty and chic, Eli looked dashing, and it was just a lovely night all around. I can't wait to go back there, but I suppose I owe Shmee a night at a strip club now.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger The Noillyprat Cat said...

If I just let him watch me with a girl, do you think we could call it even?


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